This course was designed to help you:
Effective Sales Presentations
    Shorten the Sales Cycle & Close More Deals!
Here are my secrets for establishing and maintaining control of your sales presentation while moving your client toward a favorable decision.
This unbeatable sales presentation process includes 8 content rich, interactive video modules complete with  downloadable workbook and materials!
             $497    $699
+ The Process of Managing Virtual Sales Meetings
+ Shorten the Sales Cycle
+ Discover Small Adjustments that Make a BIG Difference to Your Closing Ratios
+ Develop an Unbeatable Sales  Process for the Virtual Environment
+ Develop Trust and Rapport with Your Clients Virtually & In-person
8 Content Rich, Video Modules and Matching Workbook Taking You Step by Step Through a Proven Sales Process that Delivers Quantifiable results for Closing Deals.
  • Adapting to the Virtual Environment - Best Practices
  • Developing Your Client Discovery Section
  • Clarifying Your Client's Desires
  • Defining Your Competitive Advantage
  • Offering a Solution
  • Your Call to Action
  • Developing Your Core Story Sheet
  • Putting Your Process All Together
PLUS -  Workbook
Who is Joe Pici?
Joe Pici has been ranked #1 sales trainer internationally and his sales training program voted BEST in the world by Global Guru's!
For 30+ years he has been in the trenches selling and teaching tactical sales skills.

He is best known for his LIVE telephone coaching where he helps clients get an 80-90% success rate for navigating the gatekeeper and booking appointments.  
"We hired Joe Pici to help us increase foot traffic to our locations, as it was a real weakness of ours. Joe worked with our team coaching them on live outbound calls during the training. So many clients kept appointments with us that we  were able to net 4 times  more than the training actually cost. Now that's what I call GREAT ROI!"
Larry Sutton Founder & President of RNR Tire Express Franchise
Finally! A proven step by step sales process that is easy for clients to follow and simple for sales professionals to apply.
For 30+ years I've been selling and  training professionals, students, and business owners how to:

+ Close more business
+ Develop long term, repeat clients

+ Apply a sales process that is easy for clients to follow and simple to apply.

Many of the sales professionals and business owners I speak with are struggling to hit sales goals in the new virtual selling environment.

+ Some are struggling to keep clients engaged.

+ Most complain that sales cycles are longer.

+ One thing everyone agrees on is that they know they need to find a more efficient process when interacting with clients virtually.

If this is your experience, I've got something for you.

I am offering this course at a  drastically reduced rate!
Participants at my sales boot camps pay $2500  -
Businesses hire me at a rate of $9,000 per day!

Imagine being taught a process that can
dramatically improve your closing ratios!
Regularly $699
Don't wait. At this rate your ROI is in the bag!
Yes, I want to enroll now at the discount rate!
Check out what our Clients are saying about us!
Yes! I want to use LinkedIn more effectively.
Give me access to my course now!
©2020 Pici & Pici Inc - All Rights Reserved - Duplications Prohibited
Note: We do not believe in get rich programs - only in hard work, adding value and serving others. Our programs are intended to help you share your message with a wider audience and to make a difference in the world while growing your business. We don't make any guarantees about your own results because we don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We just want to help by giving you high value content, skill based training, direction, and strategies to move you forward faster. Anyway, all of our terms, policies and disclaimers for all of our programs and events can be accessed via the link below. Thanks for stopping by. Until next time, take action, always Over Deliver, and provide value today.

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